Thursday, April 27, 2006

I'm still here

So it's been awhile since my last post. What's new here? Let's start on the Elisabeth front. She's sleeping through the night and taking two naps a day in her crib. That's been a wonderful, wonderful thing. She's been going to bed around 7 and waking up around 7-7:30. It's so nice to have that evening time with Rich again. She's been doing well with eating. She now eats three meals a day! She's also started to gum down Cheerios. I gave her a whole one for the first time yesterday and she ate it just fine.

On the job front...I've been facilitating an online course through Boston University's Distance Education program. The class is 7 weeks and this is the last week. It's been a good experience overall. My students were very enthusiastic and I enjoyed interacting with them. I've been asked if I would facilitate another course in the future so it looks like I'll have a little steady work. I've also been looking in to teaching a course or two at a local college. Nothing yet, but I'm working on my research and some letters of interest.

On the weather front...We had a few daysa last week that were absolutely beautiful. And then it was rainy and cold all weekend. Today should be a nice day...highs in the low 60's.

I was going to share some pictures but the memory card isn't in the camera. My darling hubby probably has it...I hope. Speaking of Rich, he's going to China again in a week. It's not as long as last time, so it should be a little easier. Plus last time Elisabeth wasn't sleeping through the night and now she is!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! Two naps per day AND an early bedtime! So, now when we come to visit the babies will have similar schedules! - Jessica

Vannah said...

It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do for a person, isn't it? My whole perspective on motherhood changed once I was getting a good night's sleep.