Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Odds and Ends

I'm a slacker...but it's a new year and I'm posting! I'm getting ready to go back to work; the semester starts on the 19th. I've got my syllabus done and I'm working on the first couple weeks of lectures. Hopefully I'll get a lot done this weekend. I haven't been able to do much b/c Elisabeth has been keeping me pretty busy. She's learned how to say "uppie", and uses it profusely throughout the day. Of course I don't always pick her "uppie" but it's just hard to get much done with her at home. She's so cute, but also so trying at times. She's really learning a lot of words: hot, cold, car, chair, uppie, nana (banana), hi, bye, cracker, coo-coo (cookie). She also understands quite a lot now. This part has been fun...I love being able to communicate with her this way.

Rich got me a weather station for Christmas. I'll post a picture soon. It's a thermometer, hygrometer, anemometer combo. It also tracks pressure changes but not the actual pressure (at least I can't find where it says the pressure). I of course have been having loads of fun walking by the indoor unit (it transmits to this unit from outside) and announcing to the house (well to Rich) that it's 38.7 degrees with 3.1 mph wind. It's about time this weather girl got her own observing station! It's finally starting to get cold here. It looks like it will be down in the teens tonight. This weekend there's the potential for some frozen precip; I miss the snow so much. It's so strange that we're into January and we've had less than an inch of snow here. I have a hunch that Feb and March may be better for us snow-lovers.

I've been watching Alias again. I started over with Season 1...I'm currently 2/3 through Season 2. It's been interesting to watch now knowing everything that I know. I got new glasses frames yesterday.
Go here to see what they look like, except mine are a chocolate brown. I had my first cinnamon dolce latte of the season yesterday. I was pretty proud of myself because I had some time to kill before I had to go to the eye doctor so I decided to go to a mall to get a coffee and walk around. I didn't buy anything but the coffee and I had a gift card for that! Yay me!

My friend Emilie is coming over soon; I'm helping her build a web site for her business. It's called Simple Gifts. I'll post the link when it's up and running...everyone should check it out!

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