Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A quiet moment

I know it's been awhile, but I'm going to try to post more often than in the past 6 months. Yikes...that's a long time!


  • Elisabeth found a quarter today. Coins to her are "monies". I asked her what she was going to buy with it and she said, "Oil for Mr. Furnace". Ha....
  • Greyson is now 5 weeks old. He's doing great except for his penchant for spitting up. At the end of the day I feel like I need to go to a car wash. He's starting to smile at us now which is the best!
  • Elisabeth has discovered Disney princesses. I bought her Cinderella for Valentine's Day. She loves watching it. She calls the Prince: "the man".
  • I've become semi-compulsive about having my living room and other rooms clean. Not that I can always do it, with an active 2.5 year old and a baby but I'm always so much happier after everything is picked up. Anyone who has known me for awhile knows that this is a new thing for me.
  • I tried the Skinny Latte at Starbucks. What a disappointment. I got it with hazelnut syrup. It tasted like watered down milk with a slight hint of coffee. I guess I should have known better since it was just 90 calories. Or maybe my barista did a bad job (thank goodness they're all getting trained today). I'm just going to stick to my regular selections from now on.
  • Speaking of coffee...I love caffeine. I need it. I have to have it. Otherwise I feel like a walking zombie.
You might be wondering...how are you blogging at 12:10 pm on a weekday when your husband is at work? Because...Greyson is asleep in his swing (I <3 the swing) and Elisabeth is watching her new favorite movie (that would be the afore mentioned Cinderella). So it's a quiet moment for me, that won't last very long probably. More later...I'll try to post some pictures at some point.

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