Friday, May 02, 2008

Where did you go?

Some of you may be wondering this (ahem Richie ahem). Well, let me fill you in. In the midst of caring for a 3 month old little boy who likes to eat every 2 hours during the day, chasing after an active almost pre-schooler, trying to keep house (hah!), and teaching my courses for the semester: I have found a new obsession. It's called Ravelry . It is an online knitting and crocheting community. If you even like knitting (or crocheting) a little bit, it's worth checking out. There are places to keep track of WIPs (works in progress), FOs (finished objects), your yarn stash and projects that you would like to do at some point. The other fabulous thing about this place is the forums and groups. There is a fabulous techniques forum where you can find answers to just about anything having to do with knitting (or ask a question if you can't find the answer!) There is a group for everything....really. Everything. So I'm part of the Red Sox knitters group where we gab about all things Sox as well as knitting. There's a Lost knitters group...a Top Chef knitters group....etc and etc. I also found a local knitting group who meets in Worcester that I went to for the first time this week (I not like me. It was fun too!) So it's been fun and taking up any free online time lately. So that's where I've been. DH (that's forum speak for husband) thinks I may have lost it and has called me insane (to which I replied, "well, at least you can wear the stuff I make). But it's ok, because now I know I'm not the only yarn/knitting obsessed person out there.

Let's see, other pertinent information:
  • Greyson is now 3 months old. He probably weighs about 15 lbs. He likes to drink bottles. He is not sleeping thru the night.
  • Elisabeth is rapidly approaching 3. She is full of interesting things to say but will still occasionally lose it over pretty much nothing. Gotta love it. Last night she was trying to sing me a song to make my neck feel better. She sang me "Twinkle Twinkle" and then launched into "Rock-a-bye Baby" except she sang "Rock-a-bye Mommy". It was sweet.
  • Blech...just listening to some anchor on a news channel describe how a tornado forms: the warm air and cold air mix together and turn and then touch the ground. Moron.
  • I will be undertaking 2 trips in the next couple months. First down to Delaware to see Krista, Steve, Gemma and Karyn. That is a whole family car trip. Then me (myself and I) will be taking the children on a plane down to FL to visit my parents. I think I will wish myself and I were actual people at some point on the plane. I think I may be insane. I will let you know.
That is all. Maybe I'll post again in another 3 months.

1 comment:

Richie Rump said...

Nice post. I'll let you know in two months when it's time to post again. LOL.