Wednesday, July 02, 2008


I haven't been blogging much because I haven't been feeling very inspired. I'm not sure what to write about. But I've been reading some blogs of some new friends so I thought I would try to get back into things a little bit. Anyway so the kids and I had a bit of an adventure today. There were lots of thunderstorms all around the area today. I was waiting for one to blow over to go get E from school but it was taking longer than I thought so I ended up having to make a run for it with G to the car. Of course this is freaking me out b/c I have an extremely healthy respect for lightning. In fact, I abide by the saying: "When thunder roars, go indoors!" (I didn't make that's a NWS thing.) I'm buckling G into his car seat and there is a flash that I'm pretty sure hit in the woods up behind the house b/c the thunder happened at the same time. Commence shaky hands and prayers to not get struck by lightning. Finally, I get in the car and start driving. As I'm driving, the sky keeps getting darker. Plus there is a TON of lightning. Now I'm starting to figure out how I'm going to get E into the car. Long story short, one of her teachers brought her out. I jump out to buckle her in and it starts raining fat drops. And there's still lightning everywhere (in my head I'm freaking out but of course acting like everything is fine). I scurry back to the car and almost as soon as I shut the door, all hail breaks loose. That's not a was pouring hail. The meteorologist in me is fascinated but the mother in me is slightly worried. What if the hail gets bigger and breaks the windshield? What if there is a hail/rain shrouded tornado? What if there is a downburst that blows something into the car? Yeah...sometimes extensive knowledge isn't so comforting. We sat in the parking lot for a good 8 minutes (which is pretty long for hail to last) or so while hail continued to rain down. It was extremely loud; I was surprised that no one cried! It finally stopped and I was able to start driving home. So it was a crazy afternoon...and I'm thankful that we are all safe. It really made me remember how powerful weather can be; it's easy to forget when you are usually observing from a safe distance (like on the computer).

So there you go. An actual blog about an actual event. Let's see if I can keep it up.


Anonymous said...

Sounds scary! Especially since it sounds like you know way too much about weather for your own good : )

Anonymous said...

That's crazy! It's cool that you know all about it though!