Friday, June 08, 2007

Doe a Deer

This morning I was cleaning the kitchen and I popped outside to dump something out. We have a wooded area behind our house and I heard something rustling. I stopped to see what it was, thinking it was probably a maintenance man for the housing that is next door. was not a person, too small. Next thought was dog? Nope...too big for a dog. Then the shapes came a little more clear and I realized I was looking at two deer! Deer! In my woods...behind my house! Let me tell you, I was so excited. I get excited when I see the chipmunks running on our stone walls. So to have deer...on our property! I of course promptly called Rich who said..."Really? I thought I saw what had to be deer tracks in our garden but I didn't really think it was deer". So apparently we have been visited by a couple of local deer. I couldn't get a picture today but maybe soon. Totally cool. I love it here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so cool! Maybe we will see some deer or other animals across the street from our new place :).